My miracle dog: “The vets were convinced she was going to die”

Challenger Katron Doody was mortified when a sudden illness hit her six-year-old dog Willow, leaving her with almost no chance of survival. But the blue roan cocker spaniel has defeated all odds and is once again the world’s best walking buddy.

‘I chose Willow when she was two hours old – I just knew she was mine. Prior to getting ill she was the best walking companion. She gave me a reason to get up in the morning (as I have mental health problems), and she got me through losing my dad. 

‘But she has IMHA (immune mediated haemolytic anaemia), where her immune system basically kills her red blood cells. It happened literally overnight. She was fine on Friday night and woke up on Saturday morning with pure white gums – she could barely move.

‘Willow was as ill as it gets. The vets didn't expect her to survive the night. And although she did get through it, she didn't improve. I went to see her, and she just stood there, not acknowledging me in any way. Her only hope of survival was a blood transfusion, but I was told she may not survive that. 

‘She was in hospital for four days. During this time I was lost without her. I’ve never felt pain like it. I didn't sleep, I didn't eat. I cried so much. I was totally broken. On day four I was told that if her red blood cell levels dropped again I should think about euthanasia. The levels stayed the same and the vet let me take her home to get her eating.

‘During the first week at home she managed to have a little sniff and potter in the garden. She spent most of the first month eating and sleeping, apart from little walks to the field at the end of our street. But her blood count was rising and, slowly but surely, she joined us for longer walks. 

‘It's now been eight months and she’s classed as in remission. She’s back to her normal self, coming out on every walk I do. She's out the door before I am and shouting at me to hurry up.

‘The vets who saved her life say Willow is a miracle dog. She was critically ill and they were convinced she was going to die. But amazingly she's now back to being Willow and loving life.’