‘With lifelong ME I thought there’s no way I could do that... could I?'

#walk1000miles has enabled long-term ME sufferer Jo Hardstaff, 36 from Kent, to achieve what she thought impossible.

‘I've had ME for most of my life. But when one of my friends signed up to the #walk1000miles challenge in 2020, I thought that would be amazing, but there was no way I could do that... could I? On a whim, I signed up at the end of last year. I thought I’d base it on all steps, not just walks, and that if I didn't get to 1000, it still might be fun. Well I’m so glad I signed up – it’s been an amazing experience, and I was flabbergasted that I managed to complete it before the end of September!

Having a daily target to work towards, and the regular support and inspiration from the Facebook group, has been incredibly important to helping me reach my target. The community has been so encouraging – they’ve really enhanced the whole challenge.

The best walk I did this year was a spontaneously early walk with my daughter – 5am. It was so lovely walking through our usually busy town and off down the seafront hardly seeing a soul. The connection I’ve made with her during the year on these long walks has been wonderful.

Now we’ve just got our first dog! I've never felt well enough to take on the responsibility of a dog before, but thanks to this challenge, I know I’ll be able to look after it and enjoy having a furry companion on our adventures!’

• Want to do #walk1000miles? Get your double-sided Progress Chart for just £2 in the shop.