Teacher Nicola says “The children wanted to say ‘Tack så mycket!’ That means, Thank you very much. They just can't believe that people in other countries think about them!”
Teacher Nicola Fast works in a tiny school in a country village in Sweden, and wrote in the #walk1000miles Facebook group: “My pupils think their village is the centre of the universe. I try to tell them about the outside world and this is where you lot come in. Not sure if anyone is willing but whilst you are out and about do you think you could send us a postcard telling them where you’re from?”
And, well, of course they could, and within just a few days a slew of cards, books and kind notes arrived in Rångedalaskolan.
As well as teaching Nicola never misses a chance to enter a mini-challenge!
Says Nicola: “The children are really loving this and with the amount of post I am getting it is getting the whole school talking, from the cook to the headmaster... We have a nursery who use our dining hall and even they have been looking at the "World Board" A couple of parents have commented saying that they just can't believe that people in the big world know about our little school here!”
Nicola sounds like a fun teacher and is currently leading her class in a virtual trek to Stockholm. “I take the children out for a walk twice a week and if it’s 5km I times that by the number of children who were on the walk... so 5km times 10 children = 50 km then we put a little "footprint" on out map to show how far we have come. Just now we have walked 258km, so we have about 100km left to do. Then when we get there we shall have a party and then travel from Stockholm to another city until we have walked all around Sweden!”
Isn’t it just like #walk1000miles to make you realise the world is full of lovely people?
Some of the postcards that have been pouring into the school in Rångedala (population 392).
And still they come – the furthest one so far from Australia! ‘The children were astounded that you have 43 degrees C.... We had 3c today and thought it was warm!!’