What's your #walk1000miles transformation?

'One year. 1650 miles. 2.5 stone loss. And a haircut!'

'One year. 1650 miles. 2.5 stone loss. And a haircut!'

This is the awesome Bev Anderson! You might have seen her post in the #walk1000miles Facebook group – it's been one of the most popular of the year so far. Bev looks and feels transformed after a year doing #walk1000miles, and we're wondering if you have a before / after pair of pics you could find and think 'Do you know what? I AM different now' and maybe post them too, using the hashtag #w1ktransformation or by emailing guy.procter@bauermedia.co.uk with the subject line '#w1ktransformation'.

Accompanying your post or email if you could say how far apart in time and miles they are, and what change the images sum up (however modest-seeming), it might be most encouraging to someone you've never even met – and you might get in the magazine too!

The change MIGHT BE COMPLETELY INVISIBLE, and remembers there's no physical template a 1000-miler should aspire to adhere to. Your transformation might be just beginning, or have started, like Bev's 1500+ miles ago. Will you tell us about it?

What's your #w1ktransformation?