Walking: welcome to the happiness factory — Walk 1000 Miles

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Walking: welcome to the happiness factory

81% say the challenge combats loneliness, 96% say their happiness is higher as a result of taking part and 99% found walking an effective tool against depression & anxiety. Welcome to the happiness factory.

‘I’m more myself because I walk’

‘I’ve gone from being a lazy person to walking 2000 miles in a year, and the best things are my improved mobility and a lack of fear. And I feel part of a community. I know there are kind people I could turn to if I chose. Before I’d never have dreamed I would walk every day without thinking, but now I’m healthier, happier and more ‘myself’ because I walk. – Rachel Henderson, 57, Jedburgh

‘You really can change without realising it’

‘I’ve gained a clearer mind, which has helped me climb out of depression. For anyone who thinks, like I did, “I can’t do that,” you can! If a lazy fatty like me can get to 900 miles in only 50% of the time, then imagine what you can do. All it takes is a single step and you’re away! My exercise was once to go to the fridge for another beer, but now I’m so determined to do at least five miles a day. You really can change without realising it. I’ve put a pound for every mile in a jar to fund the celebration!’ Gary Wright

‘Great for our relationship’

‘I’m usually like a headless chicken, but when I am out walking with my boys it definitely helps with our relationship, especially when I’m on my own with the big one (10) and we have time to talk uninterrupted. Whatever miles you are on, my advice is don’t push it – do what you can when you can (the dishes will be there when you get back!). I’ve been doing the 83 mile Norfolk Coast Path in chunks as part of my 1000 this year. Last year people were talking about what long distance path we would like to walk, and I wasn't very optimistic I ever will have time to do it – now here I am on a top of my tiny world!’ – Zuzana Belas, 39, Newmarket

‘Fitter than I have been for YEARS’

‘I started this challenge when I was diagnosed with early stage COPD, and I’m certain this challenge has helped deteriorate no further. In fact even though I’m 70 I feel physically fitter than I have been for YEARS and don’t seem to suffer from coughs and colds as often as I used to. After I reached 1000 miles in July I went for 2023 and did it! I’ve literally gone from being a non-walker, to being able to trek a marathon distance around the hills circling Ullswater. I recommend it to anyone – it’s the easiest way to exercise and become healthier, the everyday stresses of life fade away as soon as you venture out and most of all it’s FREE!’ – Alvin Denovellis, 70, Carlisle