Trekmates, our #walk1000miles’ accessories partner puts its money where its mouth is - supporting efforts to bring a tiny, beautiful spider back from the brink.
Trekmates make the kind of accessories which can make a difference to your day totally disproportionate to their size or expense. Gaiters that block out every potential bog-soaking and hobbling bit of grit; gloves that keep your hands comfy and dextrous in even the coldest conditions; compasses that keep you on track and dry liners that keep your spare clothes toasty. And things don’t get smaller or more important than the bugs that play such a vital part in the planet’s ecosystem.
Take the Ladybird Spider -
smaller than a 5p piece, and thought to be extinct in Britain until it was rediscovered on a Dorset heathland in 1980, where only a few individuals remained. Since then Trekmates supported charity Buglife has been working to carefully manage the population, boosting their habitats to 19 locations and increasing their numbers to nearly 1000! Velvety with white-striped legs, the males have striking red abdomens with black spots designed to attract a mate. They’re still critically endangered - but last year Trekmates doubled funding for the Ladybird Spider Project, and the signs are encouraging that its chance of survival are being turned around.
A nice thought, that every little bit of Trekmates kit that makes a big difference to you is help an even bigger one to a precious, beautiful bug who loves heaths.
Treasure not trinket - just a centimetre and so velvety the Ladybird Spider almost looks like a plush toy.
Dorset Heaths - The last stand of Ladybird Spider in Britain - one they’re holding strong thanks in no small part to #walk1000 mile partner Trekmates
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