The case of the lost Golden Badge!

It’s the realisation every Golden Badge owner fears most… the precious is gone!!!

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So felt recent #minichallenge winner Jan Lan (self-professed couch potato TV addict to 1000 miler) who lost her cherished prize somewhere in the Peak District on Wednesday. But just to prove #walk1000milers are everywhere, and they know just what this money-can’t-buy trophies means to their owners, and just hours later…

Miracle badge-finder Louise – herself soon to be the recipient of her own golden badge thanks to her honesty – takes up the story…

“I was in the Peak District on my day off to meet my Dad for a walk. We live on opposite sides of the country so don't see as much of each other as we would like but had arranged a half way point.  My Dad who is 70 in 2 months became a widower a couple of years ago and was a bit lost.  I suggested Walk1000miles to him and he totally embraced it, he did 500 miles last year and this year got to his 1000 by June.  He is so much fitter and healthier.  Walking and talking has brought us a lot closer too.  I have been  member for 3 years I did 1100 miles my first year, 1500 miles my second year and this year I haven't counted as I am now a fully fledged walking addict and my walks are less about mileage now but as my fitness has hugely improved and I have lost 4 stone during the last few years as a result I can put the big miles in.  The fact I can now talk walking up hills is a revelation! 

“Yesterday we had been walking for a couple of hours and were doing a circular walk through Chatsworth up to Birchen and the Curbar Edges.  We were chatting away and the shiny gold badge glinted in the sun on the path, it was face down, partly tucked under a stone.  When I picked it up we both knew what it was straight way and remarked how someone would have been really upset to lose it.  I popped it in my pocket and said I would post it on the facebook group and see if we could get it back home.  About an hour after I posted another post popped up from Jan with a crying selfie (this months challenge) saying she had lost her badge in the same place I found it. It is now winging its way back to her by first class post. A really happy ending.  I was surprised at some of the comments on facebook, as the value placed on that little badge was phenomenal. Well done Country Walking for being so inspirational and such a positive influence to so many!”

What an amazing group!

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