Get ready to take on a mini-challenge & win a money-can’t-buy #walk1000miles GOLDEN badge! — Walk 1000 Miles

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Get ready to take on a mini-challenge & win a money-can’t-buy #walk1000miles GOLDEN badge!

Want! Want! Want!

Want! Want! Want!

Throughout the year we’re running a series of mini-challenges to help spur your mile-getting – and try something new.

Every four weeks a new set of five mini-challenges will be issued via the pages of Country Walking (the official #walk1000miles magazine), and our favourite 20 mini-challenge completers will each win an incredibly limited-edition, money-can’t-buy GOLDEN #walk1000miles badge. The new mini-challenges and full instructions on how to enter are in the new issue of Country Walking. Good luck!

The sort of things you have to do!

Face in tree Violeta Webb.jpg
Mark Kent.jpg

There are new challenges – and new winners announced – in every edition of Country Walking.