Patch fans, we got you!

Do you love a patch? Because there’s only two ways to feel about them and that’s one.


One thing we’ve noticed doing #walk1000miles is that one of the clearest ways humanity can be split into two camps is around patches – you either love them and send us an email a week until they appear in the shop, or they leave you as cold as a cairn on Christmas night. The pro-patch camp loves the durability, the tactile nature of a woven patch, the way it can be used to cover a grubby patch on a rucksack, or fill out a corner of a much-loved picnic rug; the patch-indifferent wonder whether they belong some of us never quite grew out of cubs and brownies. One thing is for sure: the annual issue of the new #walk1000miles patch is an occasion. And that occasion is now, because here it is.

Whether you iron it on or sew it securely, decorate your rucksack with it or thread it with elastic and wear it as an eye patch, we hope it brings you happy memories and rightful pride. And by the way, what’s a pirate’s favourite letter of the alphabet? You may be thinking it’s an R, but you’d be mistaken. Because a pirate’s first love is the C.

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Why is a badger our mascot?

A good question, and the answer is simple. The first bit of merchandise we ever produced (and like all of them it came as the result of a request) was a badge – and there was much rejoicing whenever a fellow #walk1000miles badge-wearer was spotted in the wild. Only posting in the Facebook group about how you’ve just seen a fellow #walk1000miles badge-wearer is a bit of a mouthful – so it got shortened to badger. And that’s why.