Walking 1000 miles in a year is an incredible achievement – so what’s motivating people to do half- or even twice as much again?
1500- and 2000-mile medals are available for the first time this year.
Medals from 500 to 2000 miles are in the shop now.
Walking 1000 miles in 12 months sets you a daily average target of 2.74 miles a day (well, 2.73 miles if you started on 1 Jan in the leap-year of 2020). For most of us that’s a comfortable hour a day average – a target that, with discipline, stays just the right side of doable. Up your target to 1500 though and the target rises to 4.11 miles; 2000, to 5..48. Easy enough as a single walk – but maintaining that average irrespective of the days you’re feeling crummy, it’s dark before you get home from work and the weather’s rattling the garage door, for 365 days straight? It’s a serious achievement, and for most, a more significant life change than we’re able or willing to make. So what’s motivating those who have made the commitment?
“‘I’m confident of success, but I’d only recommend trying it out if you’ve done the challenge before and aren’t easily put off. Once you miss a couple of days the miles realllly quickly mount up.’
“‘Achieved 1000 in 2018, just missed it in 2019 so decided to ‘aim for the moon (2000 miles) and you’ll reach the stars’. Sure enough 1000 is well on course and I feel amazingly good’”
“‘Aiming for 1500, as have achieved 1200+ for last 2 years. Am I confident? Ask me in December’”
“I managed 1692 miles last year and that really surprised me. I found it so addictive. I’m not sure I’ll make 2000 this year, boots on only, but I’m going to have a damn good try’”
“ ‘I’m going for 1,500. A challenge should be challenging and completing the 1000 miles have been great fun but not too difficult. I finish usually at about 1,200, so upping it has excited and kept me interested’”
“‘This is my third year and I wanted to up the tempo. Also 2020km works out around 1500miles and with the year being 2020 it’s a more achievable target than aiming for 2020 miles’”
“‘Hadn’t thought about extending my mileage until I saw the medals. Finished just short of 1,200 miles last year… always good to push those boundaries, so may try for 1,500 this year!’”