Rachel Slack and husband David are enjoying one of the longer-distance badger meet-ups – having met up with fellow 1000-miler Kim Dominguez for some spectacular walking 4300 miles away in Alberta, Canada!
Rachel, Kim and Holly.
‘I see Kim’s beautiful photos in the Facebook group all the time and sent her a message to ask if she would mind recommending any walks, as my husband and I were coming to Canada. She kindly sent me lots of walks and information, and offered to take us out walking with her friends on Wednesday. We had a fantastic hike!
‘Yesterday we walked out on the Athabaska Glacier and saw bears, which was very exciting! We saw a mum and baby first and then the one on its own. You can’t get too close for obvious reasons and not sure I’d be happy to see one if we were on a hiking trail on our own, although it’s recommended you carry bear spray – just in case!
‘I joined #walk1000 miles in 2016 to set myself the challenge. Last year was slowed down due to huge problems with Plantar Fasciitus which resulted in a op but all’s good now. I love seeing where people have been which just makes my bucket list longer! So grateful to Kim for showing us her beautiful country!’
• #walk1000miles meetups big and small, near and far are happening all the time. Check out this page to see how to join in!