Lisa before.
On the second of January I got this crazy idea (writes Lisa, 55) – to have a go at this walking lark and stop being a sofa buddy. All the banter about walking 1000 miles scared the crap out of me and because I hardly did any walking, was seriously unfit and overweight I thought there was absolutely no way I could do that, but I liked the sound of the figure 1000 so I decided to go for 1000km instead. So I put in my trainers and off I went with my rescue doggy Mia.
The first day I walked one kilometre and thought 'What have I done?'. But every morning Mia's little face would be there, tail wagging and looking excited. Who could resist? Gradually I increased the steps each day. I learnt trainers are rubbish for walking in – for me anyway – so invested in some walking boots. Hubby brought me some walking poles.
Everything ached, feet, knees, back – but I loved it. The fresh air, the peace the sense of achievement in not sitting on the sofa. I developed plantar faciitis in my right heel and it plagues me repeatedly. My right knee is not brilliant – but neither are stopping me. Plus I have lost over two stone and gone down three dress sizes and my legs have never looked so trim. I even wear skirts now – a complete no no prior to this challenge. I feel fitter and healthier than ever.
Today I woke up and my blasted pesky foot was killing me. But on checking my mileage I needed just over a mile to reach my Proclaimer moment [500 miles]. So I strapped up the heel and hobbled that mile with the biggest grin on my face. I did it – I am just under 200km from my original challenge and now believe I can do 1000 miles before the year is out. I am in love with walking and love my new shape, hubby has even started joining me now and he's lost a stone too.
Lisa after.
I know it's not about the miles really. It doesn't matter how many miles you have done. It's just about putting one foot in front of the other because every one of those steps is one less sat on that dreaded sofa. So whatever your mileage, you are all awesome, and right now I feel really awesome. Bring on the next 500, I'm so ready for it.
At the beginning of this year I was feeling all of my 55 years now I feel half of that. We are putting money in our jar for every kilometre walked for our four chosen charities. We're gonna need a bigger jar!
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